Construction a. brand right - Hunsänger Rechtsanwälte - Rechtsanwalts Kanzlei in Wiesbaden

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Construction a. brand right

Building law

In the temporal expiry of a building project we support our mandators first with the preparation of contracts. We form contracts (construction, architect, postenterpriser's contracts, consortium contracts, etc.) and help at contract negotiations and completion of the contract.
The untimely security of the compensation demand against insolvency cases plays in the construction expiry in the form of guarantees or Building worker equitagle mortages a big role.
Within the scope of the realisation of building project we stand our mandantors with all problem circles aside which reach from the impediment announcement about supplements and decrease up to the guarantee. Besides, the choice of experts belongs also to our service like the purposeful realisation of independent proof procedures whose meaning is still completely underestimated. For this purpose we closely work together with specialised competent construction experts.
After completion and decrease of the construction achievement we help our mandators in all account and reimbursement questions. Beside the except judicial, but also judicial penetration of compensation demands up to the execution the consultation belongs here, for example, also in guarantee problems to our service standard.

Broker's right

The broker is called one of the "darlings" of the lawyer in the economic life, because his activities offer quite obviously for objections even variously kind.

Practically always it is about the commission claim of the broker, already started with whether an effective broker's contract has come about, if so with which contents etc... Then it is about it for whom the broker was generally active or might become active (buyer and or shop assistant).

Frequent questions are also directed around the duties of the broker, or around contractual arrangement of broker's contracts, or general terms of business.

At last it is for brokers and customers then in the last consequence about whether commission claims can be enforced judicially, or be rejected on the part of the customers with enough prospects of success.

We represent international broker's associations in the area of precontractual questions, as well as forensic before all district courts, district courts and higher regional courts of Germany.

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